Network Integration

Staging for faster expansion of fibre optic networks

Forcefully advance the rollout of your fibre optics networks by obtaining planning and pre-assembly from a single source and independent of the manufacturer. This will pay off for you in terms of “time-to-operation”.

In the future, the digital transformation will allow billions of objects worldwide to communicate with each other. 5G technology will play a key role on the road to a gigabit society. The next generation of mobile communications will only be able to fully exploit its potential with a nationwide broadband network. This is based on the highly performant connection of all mobile base stations to the fibre optics infrastructure. EQOS Kommunikation is already working on the expansion of FTTx networks in Germany and Austria.

Comprehensive staging can be helpful in optimising the exchange of components in live operation and can also help with new construction projects. We develop optimised configurations, pre-tests and pre-configurations of passive and active network elements. After the samples have been approved, we will roll out the components as a “plug and play” solution. In doing so, we improve effectiveness and reduce on-site installation time. When can we advise and support you in your expansion planning?

Your benefits in expanding your fibre optics infrastructure with us:

Strategic solutions for regional and national network operators

Turnkey solutions from a single source over the entire lifecycle

Direct proximity
through regional customer support

Efficient rollout through extensive in-house staging

System integration solutions for special requirements

Service along the entire value chainCertifications and excellent expertiseActive and passive infrastructure

EQOS Service Manufacturing Chain

Service along the entire value chain

We offer a forward-looking, technical infrastructure portfolio along your entire value chain – from independent, comprehensive consulting to support during operation.

Stage 1: Consultation

  • Consultation and site survey
  • Customised solutions for fixed networks

Stage 2: Planning

  • CAE Customer Application Engineering
  • Planning from a single source from the LLD or HLD
  • Certified manufacturer-independent engineers, technicians and fitters

Stage 3: Staging and rollout

  • DOA complaint process hardware and software checkup
  • Staging configuration, validation and verification
  • Factory acceptance test – system documentation
  • Installation and commissioning of system technology
  • CAE redlining documentation
  • System integration upgrades
  • System line-up and acceptance test
  • Warehouse solutions for staging

Stage 4: Maintenance and upkeep

  • Preventive maintenance and upkeep for infrastructures and systems
  • Troubleshooting and repair of malfunctions
  • Customer service
  • Cyclical training seminars for new systems at our own training centre
  • System upgrades and integration
  • Dismantling and modification

EQOS Certification

Certifications and excellent expertise

Our telecommunications customers rely on our nearly 30 years of experience in mobile communications and fixed networks and our profound expertise in fibre optics infrastructures, even for high-volume network rollouts. We benefit from the fact that we work independently of manufacturers.

We are certified for the following systems manufacturers:

  • ADVA
  • Eltek, Emerson, Eaton
  • Ericsson/Ciena
  • Huawei
  • Keymile
  • Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent
  • Redback
  • SIAE
  • Tellabs
  • ZTE

We have excellent knowledge of:

  • MSAN access systems for fibre optics and copper solutions in multifunctional enclosures
  • Packet node
  • Router set-up or migration for mobile, front- and backhaul
  • LWL connection of mobile communications
  • Multiplex systems
  • WDM systems/SDN MPLS platform
  • Long-range and short-range directional radio

EQOS infrastructure

Active and passive infrastructure

After a system-technical, independent consultation, we support you in the design of your network infrastructure. Together with you, we will develop a customised solution and implement it for you. We will dependably master your project on time, on budget and on specification. The following general conditions will be taken into account:

Passive infrastructure

  • Planning and approval (feasibility and route studies, dark fibre and empty conduit research, network design and route planning, network operator coordination, approval planning)
  • Cable line construction (construction and project management, cable duct excavation, empty conduit systems,
    cable stringing and installation)
  • Room equipment (expansion of collocations, e-installations, power back-up systems, air conditioning systems)

Active infrastructure

  • Pre-assembly of indoor and outdoor system racks (multifunctional housings)
  • Functional test and staging
  • System configuration "Plug and Play" delivery
  • Installation, commissioning and migration of systems on site
  • System migrations, extensions and swaps

Current news


EQOS Energie: Investment in Belgian vehicle fleet

Ruthmann Steiger TBR 230 becomes part of the EQOS Energie vehicle fleet | Investment for more flexibility on construction sites in urban areas | Six-month pilot phase started in the Rail Technology business unit

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Climate-friendly mobility: EQOS Energie implements electrification of the Mattigtalbahn railway line

Attractive, climate-friendly regional transportation for the Innviertel region | Largest individual commission to date for the Railway Technology business unit in Austria | EQOS Energie team scores with flexibility and cross-sector expertise

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Climate-neutral Vienna: EQOS Energie modernises substation in Aspern

Strengthening Vienna's grid infrastructure for the challenges of the energy transformation | Future-proof power supply for more than two million customers | EQOS Energie was awarded the contract with a volume of about EUR 8 million

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